Let’s explore the reasons why fiber optics are valuable for your business.
Fiber optics are quickly becoming the new standard over copper. While fiber optic cable is more expensive, the benefits outweigh the costly price. If you’re seeking an upgrade or planning a new network installation, here are the reasons why fiber optics are valuable for your business.
What are Fiber Optics?
Fiber optics are network cables made up of strings of glass fibers inside an insulated casing. The cables provide long-distance, high-performance transmission effectively. They can also give higher bandwidths and transmit data over longer distances than conventional wired cables.
Setting up a communications network is simple when you have a reliable professional on your side. Contact FiberPlus at 800-394-3301 for a fiber optic network solutions consultation today.
Benefits of Fiber Optics
Faster Speed
One of the reasons why fiber optics are valuable is due to their quick speed capabilities. What’s astonishing is that they transmit information slightly less than the speed of light. They can deliver speeds up to 1,000 Mbps. Not only are they faster than conventional copper cables, but they also hold a higher bandwidth as well.
Fewer Interruptions
Also, fiber optics are valuable because they are less vulnerable to disturbance due to their physical properties. In addition, copper cables require shielding to defend against electromagnetic interference. However, it’s not sufficient to prevent interference when the cables are stuck in groups.
Minimized Signal Loss
Because light can travel much longer distances through a fiber cable without losing its strength, fiber optics experience less signal loss than other communication cables. For instance, copper cables can send information around 9 feet before signal loss begins. On the other hand, fiber optic cables can transmit up to 25 miles with no signal loss.
Increased Security
Moreover, fiber optics don’t conduct electricity. This means they will not interfere with each other or surrounding cables. Plus, they are not hazardous because they can never flame, surge, or spark. Fiber optic cables are also more durable than wired cables. Despite the fact that they are made of glass, they’re less likely to break or need replacement.
Get in Touch with FiberPlus
FiberPlus has been providing data communication solutions for over 25 years in the Mid-Atlantic Region for a number of different markets. What began as a cable installation company for Local Area Networks has grown into a leading provider of innovative technology solutions improving the way our customers communicate and keeping them secure. Our solutions now include:
- Structured Cabling (Fiberoptic, Copper and Coax for inside and outside plant networks)
- Electronic Security Systems (Access Control & CCTV Solutions)
- Wireless Access Point installations
- Public Safety DAS – Emergency Call Stations
- Audio/Video Services (Intercoms and Display Monitors)
- Support Services
- Specialty Systems
- Design/Build Services
- UL2050 Certifications and installations for Secure Spaces
FiberPlus promises the communities in which we serve that we will continue to expand and evolve as new technology is introduced within the telecommunications industry.