Municipal fiber networks can help connect and support communities.
While many communities across the country are already using fiber optic cables to connect traffic signals and sites, more and more municipal communities are using fiber-optic networks to create connections and advantages for their community and its residents. Municipal deployments are Internet services provided fully or partially by local governments. When you consider the benefits that municipal fiber networks can offer communities, choosing to install these cables can be a beneficial improvement that serves neighborhoods for years to come.
Municipal Fiber Networks Can Help Communities Rebound from Weather
As communities become more vulnerable to severe weather events, the ability to rebound faster from these damages may depend on reliable communication networks. Often, during a severe storm or natural disaster, communication systems fail. Municipal fiber networks help keep crucial communication lines open and rebounding faster, so help can be efficiently facilitated.
Fiber Networks Stimulate and Attract New Business
It is becoming increasingly clear that businesses tend to stay in areas with reliable fiber connectivity. Additionally, fiber connectivity helps businesses to grow faster and be more productive. Communities with secure municipal fiber networks have a better chance of attracting new businesses, particularly in high-tech industries, which in turn can help support the local economy.
Fiber Networks Attract and Retain Residents
When people are considering living between two neighboring communities, the presence of high-speed Internet access in one can make all the difference. As more and more people rely on technology in the home—either for work from home practices, or using smart technology in their home—the availability of reliable Internet becomes a desirable feature of a community. Additionally, families with children will be eager to send their kids to schools that have access to this beneficial fiber technology.
Fiber Requires Less Dependency on Communication Companies
If your community depends on incumbent technology providers, you can feel helpless when that company refuses to invest in broadband technology. Many rural communities, in particular, may suffer from the unwillingness of large communication companies to invest in advancements. Municipal fiber networks can help a community take control of their communications and lower their dependency on these large communication providers.
Municipal Networks Prepare Communities for the Future
Since optical fiber is becoming the basis of the world’s communication networks, installing municipal fiber networks can help prepare a community for the future. Being prepared now for future fiber network changes can help a community adapt quickly and stay resilient during future changes.
As people and businesses rely more on the Internet of Things, downloading applications, streaming content, and working in virtual environments, having access to high-speed broadband services is essential for any community. Implementing municipal fiber networks can help prepare communities for the ever-evolving vision of the future.
Get in Touch with FiberPlus
FiberPlus has been providing data communication solutions for 28 years in the Mid Atlantic Region for a number of different markets. What began as a cable installation company for Local Area Networks has grown into a leading provider of innovative technology solutions improving the way our customers communicate and keeping them secure. Our solutions now include:
- Structured Cabling (Fiber Optic, Copper and Coax for inside and outside plant networks)
- Electronic Security Systems (Access Control & CCTV Solutions)
- Wireless Access Point installations
- Public Safety DAS – Emergency Call Stations
- Audio/Video Services (Intercoms and Display Monitors)
- Support Services
- Specialty Systems
- Design/Build Services
FiberPlus promises the communities in which we serve that we will continue to expand and evolve as new technology is introduced within the telecommunications industry.
Have any questions? Interested in one of our services? Call FiberPlus today 800-394-3301, email us at info@fiberplusinc.com, or visit our contact page. Our offices are located in the Washington, DC metro area and Richmond, VA. In Pennsylvania, please call Pennsylvania Networks, Inc. at 814-259-3999.