Access control systems can do more than keep your building secure.
Instituting an access control system in your business or facility can certainly help keep your property and employees safe. However, while access control systems do much to keep you safe from unauthorized guests, they offer even more benefits ranging from savings on money and energy and improving employee management. Read on to learn more about what these valuable and critical security systems bring to a business.
Increased Ease of Access
Once you give authorization to an employee or guest, you can “set it and forget it.” This means that the employee can access all areas they need to get their job done with a key card swipe or PIN without checking in with security every time or re-applying for access.
No More Traditional Keys
Using traditional keys to lock and unlock doors throughout your facility can be quite unmanageable, especially when the facility is large. The more entries you have, the more locks you need. This would mean that a high-clearance individual could have to carry around a large key ring. Additionally, keys can be easily copied, which leaves you vulnerable to security threats. Using a modern key card for access is a much more efficient form of access control.
Save Money and Energy
With advanced access control systems, you save money on all those extra locks and keys, as well as on security personnel. These systems can be integrated with lighting, heating, and cooling systems to turn on lights when someone is in a room and shut them off when you leave.
Keep Track of Visitors
An access control system will provide you with data on who entered or exited a building and at what times. This allows you to verify work schedules and know who accessed areas at specific points when incidents occurred.
Flexible Employee Schedules
If you have numerous employees working at different times, an access control system can let them enter whenever they need to. People can access the facility early without waiting for personnel to show up and unlock the building.
Prevent Data Breaches
Access control systems can restrict and grant access to IT rooms as well as individual computers or networks. This detailed security helps keep financial records, employee information, and client data protected.
Increased Safety in Emergencies
When your building experiences an emergency or loses power, doors with lock-and-key mechanisms remain locked, preventing swift escapes. By using fail-safe locks, doors unlock automatically when the power cuts out so people can exit quickly.
Installing access control systems permits a facility to provide both necessary and easy security.
Get in Touch with FiberPlus
FiberPlus has been providing data communication solutions for over 25 years in the Mid Atlantic Region for a number of different markets. What began as a cable installation company for Local Area Networks has grown into a leading provider of innovative technology solutions improving the way our customers communicate and keeping them secure. Our solutions now include:
- Structured Cabling (Fiberoptic, Copper and Coax for inside and outside plant networks)
- Electronic Security Systems (Access Control & CCTV Solutions)
- Wireless Access Point installations
- Public Safety DAS – Emergency Call Stations
- Audio/Video Services (Intercoms and Display Monitors)
- Support Services
- Specialty Systems
- Design/Build Services
- UL2050 Certifications and installations for Secure Spaces
FiberPlus promises the communities in which we serve that we will continue to expand and evolve as new technology is introduced within the telecommunications industry.
Have any questions? Interested in one of our services? Call FiberPlus today 800-394-3301, email us at info@fiberplusinc.com, or visit our contact page. Our offices are located in the Washington, DC metro area, Richmond, VA, and Columbus, OH. In Pennsylvania, please call Pennsylvania Networks, Inc. at 814-259-3999.
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